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Get to Know Monument’s 2024 Interns & Co-Ops!

August 6th, 2024

At Monument, our Intern and Co-Op programs are more than just summer opportunities —they're a cornerstone of our commitment to nurturing the next generation of scientists and engineers. We eagerly anticipate each new group, excited to see fresh faces and new ideas that invigorate our teams and our work. For over a decade, we've welcomed some of the most talented and driven individuals in the field, providing them with hands-on experience in our plants and labs. These interns and co-ops not only sharpen their skills but also contribute significantly to our ongoing projects.

This year's group has truly stood out, and we're excited to share highlights of their experiences at Monument...


What did you like best about working with Monument?

Claire Dunn

Production Engineer Intern

“The thing I liked most about working at Monument is the culture. Everyone is willing to help. If I had a question or wanted more clarification, I could easily walk into someone’s office, and they would take the time out of their day to make sure I understood. Similarly, I enjoyed the lunch and learns where I learned about each aspect of the company, ranging from Operations to Supply Chain and even to the commercial side of things. I felt as if Monument really cared about me and my career growth.”

Daniel Cissell

Production Engineer Co-op

“My favorite thing about working at Monument is the ability to use my knowledge in a way that is practical. I enjoy being in this environment and getting to see chemistry used in the real world. I think Monument’s chemical processes are very interesting, and they’re what keep me enthralled in this field.”

Kayline Hernandez

S&OP Intern

"I was drawn to Monument because, despite being a private company, they have a strong presence as a key player in the chemical manufacturing space. One of the aspects I truly enjoyed about working here was the company's size, which allowed for cross-functional training. This gave me the opportunity to learn from different teams and gain valuable insight into various site practices."

Laura Wacaser

Process Design Engineer Intern

“I love how connected everything is and how well everyone adapts to change. Monument is a smaller company that is constantly making new things. I was able to learn a lot about multiple areas of the plant and engineering, not just the department I was working with, because everyone works so closely together. I also loved that everyone was used to solving new challenges that come from making so many chemistries. I learned a lot from hearing various people troubleshooting and trying to find the best answer; if we decided to do it the way we always have, it was because it works best, not because we are used to it.”

Stephanie Na

Production Engineer Intern

“I liked that I was able to participate directly in campaigns and gain a better understanding of what an engineer’s role is throughout the process. Being able to be a part of that process really helped me put my knowledge from school into context with working in the industry.”


What was your favorite project that you worked on?

Claire Dunn

Production Engineer Intern

“My favorite project was installing two new pipelines to the plant that will help eliminate other pipelines from being plugged up with salt. I spent a lot of time out in the field talking with operators about where the pipelines should go, how long it would take and its cost, and learning how the system works and why specific areas had plugging issues. I learned what goes into installing a pipeline from an operator’s perspective and a maintenance perspective. Additionally, I learned a lot about this same system while performing data analysis and preparing trends in graphical form for one of our customers.”

Daniel Cissell

Production Engineer Co-op

“One of my favorite projects that I worked on was sizing a piece of equipment to restrict flow through a pipe to adequately reduce the pressure that it had. I enjoyed it because I was able to use equations for fluid flow to calculate what size the orifice would need to be to reduce it by that pressure.”

Kayline Hernandez

S&OP Intern

“My favorite project was Optimizing Tank Usage at Bayport and Houston. The difference in capacity at each plant allowed me to take in a different experience from both sites.”

Laura Wacaser

Process Design Engineer Intern

“My main project this summer is to do sizing calculations on pressure relief valves around the plant. My supervisor's original goal for me was about a dozen valves. Already this summer, I have completed several times that amount by streamlining the way we add the information to the calculation program. The best part of this project was the day I got to climb all the tanks with one of the mechanical integrity inspectors to find information I needed about the relief valves up there.

“My other favorite project was processing waste acetone from another company so we can use it in our processes. I got to do a few different thermodynamic calculations for it, and I learned a lot about making educated assumptions and revisiting them when the results don't make sense. I eventually developed a good model that we used to set process specifications.”

Stephanie Na

Production Engineer Intern

“My favorite project was being able to participate in a campaign and learn the process from start to finish. It was rewarding to see the plans I had worked on come to life as it happened in real time. With the help of my mentor, I was able to learn about different concepts and problem-solving skills that I believe will be useful later in my career as well.”


Thank you to our incredible interns for their enthusiasm, curiosity, and dedication. We are immensely proud of their accomplishments and grateful for the fresh perspectives they've brought to our team.

As they move forward in their careers, we look forward to seeing the incredible things they will achieve – and take pride in knowing that their time at Monument has been a meaningful stepping stone in their professional journeys.

Posted in the category Our People.