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Port Arthur's Everyday Heroes: Congratulations to Monument’s 17 New Emergency Medical Responders!

September 25th, 2023

When it comes to emergency response, Monument's Port Arthur, Texas team has raised the bar – and they've got the numbers to prove it. A whopping 17 employees from the facility recently stepped up to become certified emergency medical responders (EMRs), and they've shown just how effective good training and great leadership can be.

Top-Notch Training That Saves Lives

First things first, you can't become a hero without the right training. Monument continually invests in comprehensive training programs that empower employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to handle emergency situations effectively. The Port Arthur site joined the Monument family two years ago, and within a year, training was well underway – thanks to the enthusiastic response and signup from the team.

The EMR training is designed to prepare our volunteers for a wide range of potential emergencies. All 17 Port Arthur trainees underwent rigorous instruction – gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate lifesavings interventions while awaiting EMS resources to arrive.

A Real-Life Hero Emerges

Almost as soon as our 17 new EMRs received their certificates, one of them had to put their skills to the test – and he saved his mother’s life. He was at a family function and witnessed his mother lose consciousness. He quickly evaluated her per his training and realized she was not breathing and did not have a pulse. He immediately started CPR and thankfully, was able to revive her so that she could receive the additional medical care needed.

This remarkable incident serves as tangible proof that our commitment to emergency response training pays off in the most profound way possible – by saving lives.

Let’s Hear from Our Port Arthur EMRs!

Our EMRs have plenty to share about their journey and their commitment to keeping our team and community safe:

  • Domingo Flores: “This isn’t just a one-and-done type of training. Monument’s training is set up to help build confidence in my abilities – so that I can use those skills not only on-site, but in my everyday life.”
  • Marcus Quibodeaux: “I have a swimming pool at my house that my nieces and nephew love to swim in. I would hate not knowing what to do if they needed emergency assistance. So, I wanted to become an EMR for personal reasons on top of knowing that I could possibly save someone’s life at work.”
  • Cody Laughlin: “I truly wanted to learn how to properly help people in tough situations. I have older parents, and I know this training might make a difference to them one day.”
  • Cory Felps: “I love soaking up any and all knowledge from the instructors. It keeps my mind and skills sharp, so that I can help others when they need it.”
  • Charles Morgan: “I’m the type of person that likes a good challenge in life, and the challenge of becoming an EMR makes me love my job even more. Fortunately so far, I’ve only had to use my training on minor cuts and sprains.”
  • Israel Hansen: “I've always been someone who likes to help those in need. Having the knowledge and skills to treat someone or save a life at work or at home matters to me deeply.”
  • Jordan Bertrand: “Sometimes all it takes is fast thinking and action to save someone's life – and I’m grateful for the opportunity to be the person in the room who can do that.”
  • Aaron Roberts: My kids and my family inspired me to sign up as an EMR. At any given moment, someone I love could need help, and I want to be the person who can make a difference.”

Other Port Arthur EMRs included: James Lafleur, Sterling Simoneaux, Joel Munoz, Zach Sonnier, Dustin Vanslyke, Robert Conway, Prestin Wyble, Derrick Skibo, and Acie Mathews.

Leadership That Has Your Back

Behind every great hero is great leadership and a support team who encourages them to reach their potential.

“Much effort went into getting this training completed, especially planning and scheduling coverage – and without the incredible support of Port Arthur site leadership, this EMR achievement wouldn’t have been possible,” said Stacy Johnson, HSSE Process Leader. “A big shout out to Ian Quinn, Port Arthur Site Leader, who offered unwavering support and genuinely cares about doing everything we can to keep our team safe.”

Additional shouts-outs and kudos go to:

  • Kay Jones, Houston Area Document Control Coordinator, who does so much more than her job title suggests!
  • Wayne Price, Houston Area Emergency Services and Security Leader
  • Justin Gardner, Houston Area Health Safety Security and Emergency Services Lead Specialist

“Our Port Arthur EMRs – and all of Monument’s EMRs – have shown that when you combine excellent training, a great support team, and a genuine commitment to safety and well-being, amazing things can happen,” said Ian. “And they’ve already proved that preparedness saves lives. As their story continues to unfold, our incredible EMRs are poised and ready to continue making a difference.”


Posted in the categories Our People, Our Commitments.