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New Employee Spotlight: Welcome to Chelsea Dau

March 13th, 2023

While a passion for chemistry and math back in high school may be a logical explanation for why Monument Houston’s new Campaign Team Leader, Chelsea Dau, chose the career path she did, it was more so a passion for learning in general that got her where she is today. 

“I went into a chemical engineering degree at Arizona State with very little idea of what I was getting into," Chelsea explained. “But the more I went through the program and saw the different roles I could have, the more I knew it was for me. I love having the ability to learn how things are made and where all these raw materials come from. It’s so fascinating to witness the interconnectivity of the global supply chain; where one material comes from and how it’s turned into a product to be used somewhere else.”

And at Monument, there’s no shortage of opportunities to learn — which specifically played a large role in Chelsea’s decision to join our team.

“Every time I get a new product campaign assigned to me, it’s like starting completely fresh; it’s challenging and fun. My previous experience over the last five and a half years at Olin Corporation was so different. I was working on a giant industrial site with dozens of mutually dependent plants with continuous operations. Now, I get to work with any of our hundreds of products over much shorter time periods, which allows me to continue having new experiences and learning new things.”

Chelsea was also eager to work among a more streamlined team. While she gained valuable experience during her time on a large site at Olin, she couldn’t help but be drawn to the size and culture that Monument has intentionally established.

“I have so much more flexibility in terms of my day-to-day responsibilities, and even where I want to take my career,” Chelsea added. “I not only have the freedom to try new things, but also I’m encouraged to.”  

On any given day, you can find Chelsea managing various different product campaigns, all while helping  project engineers scope projects, collaborating with operations to ensure all equipment is cleared and tagged, discussing daily schedules with maintenance, and communicating campaign updates with the plant leadership team and customer service reps. It’s safe to say there isn’t a department she doesn’t work with — which with an outgoing and sociable personality like hers, only makes her love her job even more.   

“I’m an open book!” Chelsea shared. “I really enjoy working with so many different people, and I like to wear my true personality right on my sleeve. As soon as you meet me, you know who I am because I always put my honest self forward."

Speaking of outgoing, it doesn’t get more out and going than traveling around the world doing cave exploration. Yes, you heard that right. When Chelsea isn’t at work, she and her partner, Benjamin, are in a caving club which takes them on trips all over — and deep into the Earth.

“I’m an avid rock climber, so when I moved to Texas, my options were pretty limited in that area,” Chelsea explained. “So Ben recommended caving. We both fell in love with it. We’ve traveled internationally and will spend multiple nights underground on each expedition. We once did a month-long exploration in Oaxaca of Southern Mexico into the deepest cave in the Western Hemisphere. It's very challenging and requires a lot of mental prep, but it’s an incredible experience.”

Cave expeditions aren't the only way that Chelsea stays active either — it’s just one of many! You can add mountain biking, road cycling, and hiking to that list too. And when she’s not burning calories, she’s enjoying them, noting how Houston’s restaurant scene makes that easy!

“I love going out and trying new foods and cuisines,” Chelsea shared. “There are so many fun international food places to try here, so my must-try list is never-ending.”

No matter what Chelsea is doing, she finds daily motivation from the people she loves. “My family is what inspires me every day,” Chelsea said. “Whether I’m at work, at home, or trying a new experience, I think about them and always try to push myself to be the best that I can be.”

Posted in the category Our People.