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Get to Know…Jared Bell, Bayport's Incredible Shift Lead

February 13th, 2023

As Monument celebrates Black History Month, we wanted to put the achievements and service of one of our very own in the spotlight! Jared Bell is not only Bayport’s fantastic Shift Lead, but also a trusted team advisor, an active member of his communities, and a new dad to a 2-month-old baby girl! Learn more about all the ways he’s dedicated to advancing the success of our plant and everyone around him.

What is your current role? How long have you worked for Monument?

I started at Monument in October of 2017 and am currently the Shift Lead/Supervisor and Board Operator. It’s my job to ensure the safety of all the operators on my shift, helping us stay on path to keep production going and focusing on our priorities and how we can continue to improve.

On the board, I control a lot of the movements that occur throughout the plant, including our distillation reactors and logistics. I provide a lot of guidance to my team out in the field on the activities they can do and will be best for our processes. 

What is your favorite part of what you do?

I love that every day is something new at the Bayport site. We are constantly tackling new projects and working toward new solutions. Our team has such great chemistry, and we feed off of one another’s energy and work ethic, which makes our work environment really enjoyable.  When you spend a majority of the hours in your day at work, it’s basically your second home — so you’re pretty lucky when it actually feels that way too.

What inspires you — both personally and professionally?

My family! My wife and I just had our first daughter, Jade, in December. Since she was born, I’ve found a greater motivation to strive for new goals. I’ve been more driven to make a plan for things I want to accomplish in three months, six months, etc. and keep working toward something greater, so I can be someone she is proud of.

And I’m fortunate that Monument makes that easy for me. The opportunities they provide us to learn and move into new positions allow me to never feel stagnant — which drives me forward. If you’re willing to learn and grow, there’s so many things you can accomplish.

Do you have any role models you look up to?

There are a lot of people I admire for different reasons. For starters, my parents! They have taught me everything I know, and I wouldn’t be where I am without them. My mom worked multiple jobs to provide for us, while my dad was the academic of the family, whose advice helped guide all my decisions. He always pushed me to never settle or take no for an answer if it’s something you really want.

And my wife, Kayla, is my biggest support system. She’s always in my corner and allows me to be exactly who I am. She’s played such a big role in my career and where I am today at Monument.

What are some of the ways you like to give back to your community?

I really enjoy being active in my church and doing community service whenever I can. Before moving to Houston, we used to take road trips to give back to people in downtown New Orleans and I was actively involved in the Boys and Girls Club, as well as Big Brothers Big Sisters, which gave me the opportunity to be that person someone could talk to and look up to.

During holidays throughout the year, my family likes to go to homeless shelters and donate food and clothing. And if we ever have leftovers from a big dinner together, we pack them up and take them to someone in need. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Right now, my daughter takes up most of my free time! But we also love to travel. Punta Cana is one of our favorite places; we go with friends and family throughout the year. But we enjoy exploring new places too!

I also love to read and am a big fan of home improvement shows. I want to be that handyman that can just rip up carpets and throw down new tile floors. It’s been inspiring me to buy a home that I can fix up myself one day. My dad has always taught me that you always pay for what you don’t know, so I’m learning!


Posted in the category Our People.