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Meet Alexandra Bledsoe, Lead Production Engineer in the Brandenburg Polychem Unit

February 10th, 2023

With International Women and Girls in Science Day coming up on February 11, it’s a perfect time to catch up with Alexandra Bledsoe, Lead Production Engineer in the Brandenburg Polychem Unit. A native of Lexington, Kentucky, Alexandra joined Monument in 2015 immediately after graduating from the University of Kentucky with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. She had a choice of several companies to join and says the Monument colleagues she met while doing interviews were a major factor in her decision to kick off her career here: “Everyone was super friendly and encouraging, and I knew there would be many opportunities here for me to grow as an engineer.” Now, after eight years with us, she remains convinced she made the right choice.

When did you realize you wanted a science career?
I was very passionate about school, and always gravitated to math and science — I think because in math and science there is always a “right” answer to arrive at,
which I appreciate because it seems very rare in life. I think I always know I was going to something that used those skills.  

Was there someone in your life who encouraged you to pursue engineering?
My dad! Even though he doesn’t work in science or engineering, he saw where my interests were, and that I was good at math and science. He encouraged me to consider engineering, which I did. That led me to discover chemical engineering, which felt right for me right from the start.

What are your duties as a Production Engineer?
I get to do a little bit of everything in the Polychem Unit, which includes troubleshooting equipment and processes, solving quality issues, and studying trends. Basically, I am always looking for ways to make operations safer and more efficient. And I recently became a manager for the first time. I have two engineers reporting to me, which is exciting — and also challenging.

What are the most satisfying aspects of your job?
The most satisfying aspect what I do is being able to make things better. Solving a problem or improving a system, especially when it makes someone’s job safer or easier or more efficient, is incredibly satisfying to me.

What is your advice to girls and young women interested in STEM careers?
Learn people and communication skills! Of course, it’s really important to work on your core skills, like math and physics, but it’s just as important to know how to work and communicate with people, since you will always be part of a team. When I was in school, it never occurred to me that I would someday be anyone’s boss! Now, as a new manager, I wish my education had included a greater focus on interpersonal skills, which are so important for career success and for becoming a great leader (if you want that!).

What are your off-the-job interests?
I love to travel! I’ve now visited about ten other countries, including Scotland and Germany, which are my favorites so far. Right now, I’m planning a trip to Spain and Portugal for later this year, so I’m excited about that. When I’m not traveling, I like to be outside camping, kayaking, and fishing.

Posted in the categories Our People.