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Forest Richardson Celebrates 50 Wonderful Years at Monument Chemical!

February 7th, 2023

Everyone at Brandenburg’s Pilot Plant knows the name Forest Richardson. The Plant Technician is not only a seasoned vet in the chemical industry, but he’s also the longest-serving employee in Monument’s company history. This past December, he celebrated his 50 years, boasting a long history of career advancement, experience, and contributions that have helped make our Pilot Plant what it is today. He’s learned a lot over the last 5 decades — and we’ve all learned a lot from him! Now, he’s sharing his wonderful story with us. Congrats, Forest!

How did your career at the Brandenburg site get started? What roles have you held over the years?

I first started on the team in 1972 when the company was owned by Olin Chemical, working as a Quality control Laboratory Technician at the plant in Niagara Falls, NY. Over 19 years there, my roles evolved to Analytical Specialist, Laboratory Supervisor, and eventually, Plant Training Manager. When that site announced its closure, a few employees and I had an opportunity to relocate to the Brandenburg, Kentucky facility. I was originally expecting to work in the lab there, but during my interview, I was presented with a Plant Technician position at the Pilot Plant and was eager to accept! I’ve been here ever since.

What are you most proud of regarding your growth within Monument over the years?

The best part about my career growth is that it’s so closely tied to the support of others! I’ve enjoyed meeting and working with so many great people over the years, and I can sincerely say each of them has contributed to my growth in some way. I love being able to approach new challenges every day and collaborate with team members to find the best solutions.

It’s been really cool to have so many people rely on me for my experience, whether they’re new to the team or just eager to learn. I’ve even had supervisors come to me for guidance! I receive so much respect, and it’s very rewarding to be able to share my knowledge with the team.

What is something you’ve learned that you’d like to share with team members who are new to Monument?

I’ve learned so many things from my peers — from how to surround yourself with the right people to the importance of contributing to our community. But when it comes down to it, the best teaching I can share is to approach every new challenge with as much information as you can. Do your research! It’s easy to rely on your experience when approaching a new task or process, but the better the understanding you have, the more impact you can make. Monument makes all of that knowledge available to us, but if you want to make a greater contribution, you have to be willing to put in the work.

What do you think has been your key to success throughout your career?

The key to longevity in the chemical industry, first and foremost, is a commitment to safety — for yourself and for others. It affects everything we do and everyone around us. The goal is to go home to your family at the end of the day the same way you came in.

In Research and Development (R&D), success again comes back to doing your due diligence. I approach every challenge with the most knowledge and best understanding of what I’m working with and what the limitations are so I can be as valuable to my team as possible. I never let myself just go through the motions, because if you put in minimal effort, you’ll get minimal results.

So what will the next 50 years bring?

The next big thing for me is retirement! I am enjoying the fact that I have good health, and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to travel more when that day comes. I would love to get back to Brazil or visit some of the Caribbean Islands. I plan on putting my passport to good use!


Posted in the category Our People.