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Monument Donation Helps Write a New Chapter for Beloved Brandenburg Park

August 22nd, 2022

Whenever Sergeant Tim Hendley, of the Brandenburg Police Department, drives past Nichol Park, he’s transported years back to the days when his son, Devin, would shoot around on the then-run down basketball courts surrounded by ill-kept fields. What was once a fond memory of the park became the inspiration for a new chapter for kids all across the community — one that Monument had to be a part of.

“My son loved sports and played there all the time,” Tim explained. “But when the local schools prohibited recreational use on their courts, Devin and his friends weren’t left a lot of options. The courts at Nichol Park were beat up and the backboards were loud and rough, but it didn’t stop them from playing. When he tragically passed away in 2015, we decided it was time to do something.”

Tim’s step-son, Wyatt, spearheaded the organization of a community-wide kickball tournament to raise money for the city of Brandenburg to revitalize the park and restore its glory in honor of Devin. With the help of Tim, his wife, and their daughter Danielle, they pulled off an incredibly successful event.

With the funds raised from the tournament and an additional $5K from Monument, the plan was put into action and construction began.

A ton of dirt was brought in and all new concrete was poured, sealed, and lined. They added a fence to keep balls from going over the hill, and thanks to more local donations, they tripled the amount of basketball hoops — from one full court to two, plus another two half courts, each with a smaller hoop. Giving the big kids and little kids all their own space to play.

“Dr. Devries, of Devries Family Dentistry, researched some of the best fiberglass backboards you can find to ensure the longevity of the new hoops,” Tim added. “He grew up playing at Nichol Park himself and still does today. Like so many others in the community, this place is where many childhood memories have been made, and it’s been wonderful to see so many people want to be part of making that possible for years to come.”

And an interesting piece in this story makes Monument’s connection to it a bit deeper. The roots of Nichol Park grew from within the chemical family, as this land was part of a subdivision surrounded by housing back in the day, originally built for the factory workers and families of then-Olin Chemical. And now, Monument’s contribution has helped write the next chapter of the park’s history.

Whenever Tim and his wife drive by today, the beautiful, new Nichol Park with its profound, stone plaque in Devin’s memory, takes their breath away.

“This transformation has meant so much to our family, and we couldn’t have done it without Monument’s contribution. The incredible support we’ve received has allowed us to make this park better for our whole community and keep it clean and safe for our kids. It truly touches us to see groups out there playing every day and knowing we helped create that. We are truly grateful.” 



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