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4 New Houston Area EMRs Step Up to Elevate Team Safety

March 30th, 2022

Getting certified as an Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) is no easy task. But the hard work and commitment of Monument’s EMR-certified team members are key factors in building a safer work environment for all of us. 

An EMR certification gives an employee the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate lifesaving interventions on-site, prior to additional Emergency Medical Services (EMS) support. Monument is happy to congratulate our four new EMRs on their recent certifications:

  • Chris Rice, Bayport Operations Lead A-Shift
  • Miguel Hernandez, Bayport Operations C-Shift
  • Brandon Elmore, Bayport Operations Specialist
  • James LaFleur, Port Arthur HSSE Days

We also recognize their dedication to the process is driven not only by personal accomplishment, but also a passion for helping others.

“​​I’m thankful for the opportunity because my certification is a big accomplishment for both Monument and myself,” Chris Rice shared. ”I now have the proper training & tools to help people in need no matter where I am. It’s such a good skill to have in life - and very rewarding.”

“Everything we’re learning is valuable not only on the job, but in our everyday lives,” Miguel Hernandez added. “We know we can take this knowledge home with us, and we’re now in a position to keep our family and friends safer.” 

The certification process involves a 64-hour course with an additional ~3 hours of studying required a day. Participants are learning everything about health and safety, not just for an industrial setting, but also for all situations and circumstances. Once the initial certification is achieved, there’s quarterly continued education and recertification every three years to keep an EMR’s skills sharp. 

“You have some team members who have been EMRs here for 10+ years,” Brandon Elmore explained. “As a new EMR, I appreciate the guidance of the veterans on the team. We look forward to building off of their experience and improving our abilities to help others. This whole learning process has given me exposure to experiences outside of my operational duties, which allows me to grow personally - and as an important asset to the company.”” 

With one EMR required on site at all times, our ever-growing team of EMRs also helps diversify shift personnel, allowing more flexibility for 24/7 operations. At Bayport, another major benefit in regard to Case Management is the impact new EMRs have on the site’s OSHA classification, which in turn, improves insurance rates. With trained healthcare personnel on site, the number of hospital recordables has greatly decreased because team members have access to EMRs who can assess and treat symptoms.

“Having an EMR certification is not only encouraged for the benefit of the company as a whole, but it’s something you really want; something not everyone is capable of achieving,” James LaFleur added. It represents the best that Monument has. And knowing the company had the faith in me to offer the opportunity and becoming the first EMR at Port Arthur - Monument’s newest team - means so much to me..” 

 “Every action we take to enhance safety makes a difference, and Monument isn’t shy about seeking out new ways to enhance employee safety and wellness,” Brandon added. “At Bayport, for example, it’s even noticeable in the quality of our equipment, which means we have everything we need to help someone in an emergency situation. You don’t always notice these little things while on the job, but there’s a real investment in our safety happening, and when you take a step back, you can see the impact.”

Posted in the categories Our Commitments, Top News & Events.