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Turnkey Operations for Customers – Sustainable Solutions for the Industry

April 7th, 2021

We’ve learned a lot about the power of collaboration over the past year. As we’ve tackled challenge after challenge, our team has worked together – with each other and with our customers, suppliers, and partners – to become more creative and agile in the solutions we bring to the market.

And this commitment to collaboration has driven wins in areas NOT related to the pandemic as well! One big priority that has greatly benefited from smart partnerships is Sustainability – a timely focus area for new thinking and fresh innovation.

“Sustainability and reducing one’s carbon footprint are becoming larger considerations for doing business – and certainly to growing a business,” said Andy Allen, Senior Account Manager, Monument. “As governments, NGOs, and society in general push for more social and green policies, companies are looking for tangible ways to showcase their commitment to Sustainability. What might have been once a ‘buzz word’ is now finding its way into board rooms and strategic discussions across markets.”

“And, of course, it’s just the right thing to do!” said Sibel Selcuk, Vice President, R&D and Strategy, Monument. “Sustainable products, sustainable processes, and waste minimization are all critical aspects of Monument’s business excellence, strategic goals, and team culture.”

Monument Chemical and Heritage Environmental Services: Ideal Sustainability Partners

As you might know, Monument is part of The Heritage Group, an innovative, values-driven organization with deep expertise and significant holdings in Transportation Infrastructure & Materials, Environmental Services, and Specialty Chemicals & Fuel Products.

“When we started to look at new ways to increase Sustainability opportunities, we said, ‘Who better to partner with than our sister company, Heritage Environmental Services?’” said Sibel. Heritage Environmental Services (HES) was started by The Heritage Group over 50 years ago and today boasts more than 1,700 employees across North America. They provide a full suite of tailored solutions – from emergency response, waste disposal, and sustainability services to on-site support and technical solutions – to thousands of customers across a broad swath of industries.

“Monument has partnered with other Heritage companies in many instances over the years,” added Sibel. “That said, the pandemic presented a unique opportunity and push toward virtual collaboration, so in some ways, it got even easier to connect on a more regular basis – especially on critical topics like Sustainability.”

Monument and HES formed a core Sustainability team, and almost immediately, the group identified opportunities to pursue.

As an example, for one Monument customer, the team uncovered an opportunity to leverage an HES facility to handle the waste from the customer’s amine stream. For another customer, the team identified a way to recycle the waste from a custom solvent production – and Monument, in turn, is seeking ways to use this waste as feedstock for other processes. In addition, that same HES facility has implemented a new potential disposal solution that will offer some very unique capabilities in the markets we serve.

“Our aim is to provide our customers with ‘turnkey’ operations,” said Umair Virani, Commercial Development Manager. “We’re one of the very few companies that offers ‘cradle-to-grave’ capabilities – from R&D all the way through to responsible waste disposal.”

The benefits to customers are significant. “They have a single point of contact for their whole process – meaning fewer headaches, as there is no trail to follow and the ‘buck’ stops with us,” said Andy.

“This approach closes the loop for our customers,” said Virani. “And, of course, it also gives them a great Sustainability story to share with all stakeholders!”

More Conversations. More Partnerships. More Success Stories.

Even though the Monument / HES Sustainability team is still relatively new, their list of learnings grows with every project.

“We’ve learned that we’re really good at this!” said Amy Conley, Vice President, Growth & New Ventures, HES. “And there are big opportunities for everyone at the strategic table. By working together, we can identify HES customers who may benefit from Monument’s products and services – and vice versa. This allows us to both explore new partnerships and strengthen existing relationships.”

The team also credits much of their success to the actual formation of their small, strategic team. “We’ve always had the desire to seek these kinds of partnerships, and now that we have a dedicated team in place, there’s a higher level of accountability built into the work. We meet often, and when we identify opportunities, we go after them – and keep moving the ball forward.”

And the team’s biggest commitment is to lead the charge in making conversations about Sustainability part of every project. “When we’re looking at new projects, we want to be asking, ‘How can we reduce our carbon footprint? How might we partner with HES to offer smarter Sustainability (e.g., recycling) solutions for our customers?’” said Andy.

“Both Monument and HES are known for our close, lasting relationships with our customers,” said Amy. “This shared commitment to Sustainability takes those relationships to another level – as there’s a special reward that comes from working together on solutions that generate a tangible, positive impact in the industry and in our communities. And we’re just getting started!”