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Bayport Team Throws a Wild Celebration for 3 Years OSHA Free

May 4th, 2022

A beautiful Saturday afternoon at the Armand Bayou Nature Center set the perfect stage for worthy celebration in Pasadena, TX. Just over a mile from Monument’s Bayport site, dozens of employees and their families gathered — amongst the preserve’s gators, buffalo, and other wildlife creatures — for a celebration in honor of three years OSHA-free. 

Giving credit to the event’s fantastic planners, Patty Miller, Inventory Billing Clerk, and Gloria O'Bannon, HSSE Coordinator, the day was jam-packed with family-fun activities. From a coloring contest, character artist, and face painting to a real snake and alligator presentation by the Center’s Director of Nature, the kids were busy playing and exploring, while employees and spouses mingled over a tasty catered lunch. 

“We wanted this to be a family event in hopes of bringing everyone together and getting to know one another better outside of work,” Kris Sturgul, Bayport Site Leader, explained. “It was really the first time we’ve been able to do something like this over the last couple of years, and a celebration for our OSHA achievement was the perfect opportunity.”

While a handful of team members working the afternoon shift were unable to attend, they still got to be part of the day’s events — as their children and spouses were able to see them in action. “One of our Production Supervisors, Ken Bailey, hosted plant tours throughout the day. We had three different van trips over to the plant so families could see where their loved ones work, and even see their loved ones as they work if they were on shift! While they were there, we had trivia questions about the site where participants could win gift cards and prizes for the closest answers.

“We even had Wally Wiseguy — the mascot of the LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) — in attendance, talking to the kids about important safety aspects and sheltering in place.”

Finally, a fun photo contest was set up to encourage attendees to send in their best shots from the day. The top three photo takers (see below!) got awesome prizes, while we got great memories captured from the day. 

“Being OSHA free is a tremendous accomplishment for any facility,” Kris emphasized. “It demonstrates not only the teamwork here at Bayport, but also the commitment that Monument has made to ensure all of its facilities comply with safety regulations. Safety is a result of the every day efforts of each individual. It’s taking ownership in how you look at a job and how you perform it, and it means looking out for one another. We’re all committed to making sure we always do the right thing, and we’ve seen such a positive difference across the whole company as a result.” 

Posted in the categories Our Commitments, Top News & Events.