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New Employee Spotlight: Welcome Marvellous Oguejiofor!

January 10th, 2024

It’s only been a little more than a month since Marvellous Oguejiofor joined Monument Houston as our new Production Engineer, but it didn’t take long for him to hit the ground running. And that’s because he knows the key to success in production is putting in the work ahead of time.

“As a team leader managing anywhere from one to several campaigns at once, it’s really a sophisticated balancing act each day,” Marvellous shared. “And that’s why doing the prep work is so important! For me, that starts with doing a lot of reading into the campaign scope before it gets running. It’s consulting the right people and resources to build as much knowledge as possible to make better informed decisions and to get ahead of potential issues that may arise.”

Lucky for Marvellous, reading has always been one of his favorite pastimes. But while he’s typically drawn to mysteries and detective series, his motive driving his reading choices  for both work and leisure is quite similar: solving for the outcome.

“I’ve always enjoyed mystery novels because I would try to solve the case before the answer was revealed,” Marvellous said. “Managing a campaign isn’t too different. You’re focused on the best possible outcome, and so there’s a lot of thought that goes into choosing the right approach and minimizing risks to get there. And what I really love about the projects here at Monument is that there's a true culture of innovation and improvement that aligns so well with this. Because of the ever-evolving nature of my job, we’re not just looking to get to an end result, we’re constantly being challenged to find new ways to bring all aspects of the process to the next level — from safety to production and delivery. There are so many different ways to do things, which keeps the work interesting.”

For Marvellous, the best part of that is all the awesome people he gets to collaborate with on a daily basis. “I get to work with a lot of different groups and experts across operations, maintenance, quality,  and others,” Marvellous shared. “We have so many unique personalities and emotional intelligence across our teams, and everyone brings something special to the table. There’s so much I can learn, and it inspires me to be the best version of myself!”

Just because Marvellous is clearly a hard worker, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy his downtime. “I definitely have to say sleeping is one of my favorite things to do on my lazy days,” Marvellous explained. “But I like to keep active too. I’ve always been a runner so it’s something that comes to me naturally. I also just enjoy going to the gym and have even tried boxing a bit.”

This Nigerian native also enjoys trying new foods and restaurants with his friends and family. But if there’s one thing not on the menu, it’s Chick-fil-A. “I am probably one of the only people who don’t like it,” Marvellous shared. “I know it surprises a lot of people when I tell them, but it’s just not for me! But I don’t eat out too often anyway.”

While he may not be much of a chef himself, Marvellous can usually get someone else to spoil him with a home cooked meal. Pair it with a fun night of board games, and you’re really speaking his language!

We’re excited to have a creative case cracker and people-person as marvelous as Marvellous on the Monument team!

Posted in the category Our People.