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Bayport Hits Major Milestone with 5 Years OSHA Free

September 6th, 2023

Our Bayport team’s unparalleled dedication to safety over the years has paid off in a major way — as the site officially hit 5 years OSHA recordable/injury free!

“This milestone exemplifies the leadership and commitment that our employees demonstrate every single day,” Maria Kraemer Gutierrez, Houston Area SC&M Lead, explained. “Each day brings new challenges, and recently, we’ve had moments where we’ve truly been tested — requiring everyone to stay laser sharp and highly focused on each task. But we embraced them and worked together with the shared determination not only to maintain our site's safety, but also to raise the bar even higher.”

While personal accountability drives all of our safety goals, it’s our teamwork that truly makes tremendous accomplishments like this possible. Every company strives to maintain a safe work environment for its employees, but it’s very special in an industry like ours to be able to say we did so without a recordable injury — for half of a decade!

Of course, the Bayport team wanted to celebrate this milestone in an equally fantastic way. On Wednesday, August 23, the entire team was invited to the Maintenance Shop for a steak lunch, specially prepared by the Houston team! 

“We know this achievement is truly something worth celebrating, and it was wonderful to have the whole team together to recognize each of our important roles in this win,” Maria added. “But we also know it’s about the journey, and we can never be complacent. We’re committed to advancing the high level of training, awareness, and execution that has made us so successful to-date, and we look forward to more of these milestones in the future!”


Posted in the categories Our Commitments, Top News & Events.